Success Stories          Read them

Read Logan Blagg's story, and see how this Oklahoma man's life was changed through a Registered Apprenticeship.

Read Gabe Vazquez serendipitous story, and see how he transitioned careers through a Registered Apprenticeship.

As a high school student, Corina Mejia was able to launch her career path through a Registered Apprenticeship at Dell. 

Goodwill believes in developing a strong workforce through Registered Apprenticeship.

Dell partners with the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development to create the "Dell Scholar Apprentice Program" and molds the future of technology.

Josh Lira talks about being able to find a career pathway and a sustainable and reliable source of income thanks to a Registered Apprenticeship program.

Jeannie Shurbet talks about using Registered Apprenticeship as part of building a strong talent pipeline for a very essential industry.

Creating generational bridges through Registered Apprenticeship for the welding industry.